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The Temporall CW indicators are quite a unique concept, follow this guide for a better understanding of how it is intended to be used.

Learn to know CW indicators through these 5 sections.

Section 1

Understanding Indicators

Indicators are mechanisms used to determine growth - or in some cases the lack thereof - in very specific situations. You can design or create your indicators but there is a list of pre-defined(template) Indicators in the system. To give you a further overview of indicators, an indicator mainly consists of 5 attributes: Theme, Category, Indicator(Name), Description and the label. There is some additional info like the label-position as well but that is up to the user’s preference.

Section 2

Using template indicators

If you decide that you do not need an indicator of your own making there is an extensive list of indicators to choose from that are already set up and ready to implement.
Let us, for explanatory purposes, use the “Talent Acquisition” Indicator. As the name already states this indicator is used to determine how your company is faring in the acquisition of new talent. The theme for this Indicator is, Talent and the category is Attract. 

So let’s set this up, (follow the screenshots). *Please note: the numbers do not represent the order in which an Indicator should be set up. This is simply to identify with the image.

  • Step 1

  1.  Navigate to Indicators under the Admin drop-down list.

  2.  Add a new Indicator.

  3.  Add this current indicator to your organization.

  • Step 2

  1. Dialog for setting up a template indicator.

  2. Description, for management purposes, give your indicator a proper description.

  3. For what system will this be used?

  4. If applicable, enter the System URL.

  5. Label-  Add a symbol or unit for your indicator’s value, for example: “$”.

  6. Indicate whether you want the label to be placed before or after the indicator value. Example: 75 people or $ 599

  7. Financial Type. You have 3 options: Non-Financial, Income generation and Cost Saving. In this case, the most relevant would be Income generation, because new talent will generate more income. 

  • Step 3

  1. The name of the indicator you’ve added.

  2. The description you have given.

  3. Add values to your indicator, these will be added to the table below this button.

  • Step 4

  1. Pin the indicator to the Finance Dashboard found just below the Campaign Dashboard.

  2. Navigate to the indicator’s management screen. (screenshot above current).

  • Step 5

  1.  Add new value popup-modal.

  2.  Date at which the value is to be achieved.

  3.  Current value.

  4.  A goal, the value you wish to achieve.

  5.  Financial Goal.

Section 3

Creating new custom indicators

You also have the ability to add your own custom indicators if you have the need to. Follow these screenshots to learn how.

  1. Add new Indicator popup-modal.

  2. Name for the Indicator you are creating

  3. A category you wish to add to, or you can create your own by typing in the name.

  4. A theme you wish to add to, or you can create your own by typing in the name.

  5. Description, here you can type whatever you want to use to describe what the indicator will be used for.

  6. Label, in what units will this be measured?

  7. The position of the label, before or after the value.

Once you have created your Indicator it has the same method of editing, updating and pinning as these that have been predefined.

Section 4

Keeping your indicators up to date (Managing Indicators)

There is an option to manage your indicators on the top right-hand side of the page. Click on the drop-down menu and select the last item: Manage Indicators.

Follow the screenshots for more info.

  1. Filter the indicators you want to see, by: 
  • Show all visible indicators

  • Show only active indicators.

  • Show only custom indicators.

  • Manage indicators (this opens a different layout, see the next screenshot). 

      1.  More button popup, consisting of:

  • Add new value.
  • Edit description and label.
  • Hide indicator.

  1. Show hidden indicators or hide visible indicators.

Section 5

Finance Dashboard

When an indicator is pinned to the Financial Comparison tab or the Finance Dashboard it will display as follows. Here we will distinguish between these to pinnable areas, first we will look at the Finance Dashboard and after that the Financial Comparison tab.

  1. All indicators are aggregated into one chart, with the grey line being the financial goal.

  2. This represents one indicator at a time. See the following screenshot on how a second and/or third indicator will affect the chart.

  1. Once again all Indicators are aggregated into one chart.

  2. First Indicator’s separate chart.

  3. Second Indicator’s separate chart.