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Temporall CW’s science component is a comprehensive part of the system as a whole because it provides valuable info on the Campaign and more specifically the index itself. We have set up the science component in order to give a precise real-time representation of how the campaign is faring.

Learn to know CW indicators through this Overview.

Let’s dive into the details.


Block 1

Info Cards

  1. Invitations - The total number of people who have been invited to respond to the index.

  2. Completed - The total number of people who have responded to the campaign.

  3. Free Text - The total number of free text answers given by respondents.

  4. Average Free Text - Average number of free text answers per respondent.

Block 2



The Completion chart is a visual representation of how long it took people to complete the index. You will see some people took quite a long time to finish but this is because the index has been set up to be very intuitive, it allows you to answer a few questions at a time and then close the index and return to where you left it and continue from there.

This chart categorises completion time into 3 categories, shortest, average and longest. This is useful because you can easily see if your index is maybe too short or too long and the user might start getting frustrated along the way and hurry through the questions leaving an inaccurate result.

Block 3


The Respondents' chart gives you real-time feedback from the campaign in regards to the number of people who have completed the index, only started the index, not opened the index and people who have opened the index but not yet started.

This could provide you with some perspective in knowing if it should be necessary to extend the end date of the campaign to allow all invited users to respond. Or another situation this info could be useful is to be able to determine whether there have been enough responses to make an initial assessment or if an assessment could be premature and inaccurate.

Block 4


The timeline allows you to see at what rate people are responding to the campaign, there is an estimated response timeline that has been drawn to serve as a reference point, this represents a campaign where all the users have responded before the end date is reached. 

This timeline can be used to determine whether all the users should respond before the campaign end date is reached, or if a few(or a lot) of users will miss the end date.

Block 5

World map

This provides some interesting info in regards to where users are responding from, it uses their location and categorises them according to the country they are in. Something to keep in mind is that all of these countries have different time zones and thus has to be kept in account when the campaign end date has been reached by each time zone because in some cases like Australia and America there is an average time difference of about 15hours which is quite an influential amount.

Make sure that all timezones have reached their end date before final assessments are made.