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In this guide we will discuss what an index is and how to copy to a new index and managing indexes in general. 

An index is a mechanism you can use to get feedback from your whole organisation, with a range of questions based on the areas of your workplace culture. You have the option to target a specific area or you can run a complete and comprehensive index. This will do a thorough analysis of all parts of your business.

Section 1

Creating new indexes

When creating indexes (only System Administrators can create new indexes) you are putting together a series of questions that are already defined in the system. The other important part of setting up indexes are determining in which languages it can be completed in. All questions are already translated into their respective languages, this allows you to choose any language from the list.

When a user starts the index they will be able to choose the language they want to answer the index in.

In the Index Library page, you can click on the View button. This will navigate you to the Index Detail page. On this page, you will see the whole index and all the details in regards to the questions.

  1. Index Detail header.

  2. Table columns

    • Macro → the Macro Attribute to which the question belongs.
    • Micro → the Micro Attribute to which the question belongs.

    • Question → the chosen question from the index setup page.

    • Type → the type of question, this is determined in the question setup found in this guide.

    • CPS → the weight assigned to the question out of 100. Defaults to 20.

  1. More button panel with actions applicable to this type of index.
  2. Publish index, changing the index type from draft to published. This will be further discussed below.

  3. Edit the index. This is only available to draft indexes.

  4. Preview Questionnaire. See the next screenshot for more info.

  5. Share Questionnaire enables you to insert multiple email address to whom you want to share the questionnaire.

  1. Choose the language you want the index to be in. You can change the language at any given moment during the index.

  2. Click start to begin answering questions. 

  3. You can click on exit preview any time you want to exit the index and use the validation toggle to simulate how a user will interact with the index, otherwise, disable it if you want to quickly view something in the index.

If you clicked Start you will be shown on the next page. Here you will see the questions you have chosen and be given the option to answer the question by clicking on the circle you feel is the most accurate answer according to your own experience. 

  1. This is called a Likert Scale, ranging from Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree.
  2. If you have something on your mind and you wish to comment click on this button.

  3. Navigating between questions. In preview mode, you are free to roam about but in an actual index, you are only allowed to progress once you have answered all the questions on the page.

  4. Exit preview mode. This button will not be visible on the actual index received from an email.

Section 2

Copying existing indexes

Back to the Index Library page. When you click the more-button (to the right of each index) on indexes that have been published you have the option of copying the questions to a new index.

Click Copy to new index, this will immediately pop up a modal in which to rename the index, once a name is given you will be navigated to the Edit Index screen where you will be able to either remove some questions from the index or to save as is. You can edit the Welcome and edit pages of the questionnaire as well.

See the following screenshots:

  1. When copying to a new Index you are required to change the name of the index. Once you have decided what to name your new index, click save and you will be navigated to the Edit Index page.

  1. Your new index’s name.

  2. The version number will start from the beginning.

  3. This has not been published so the status will be draft.

  4. Since you are limited to your organisation the index domain will stay private because the user type is not allowed to create public indexes. This is explained below.


Let’s say you are trying to make some larger changes to the OI public index and you want to personalise it to your own needs since you give the index a new name and you can make changes to the index, for example, removing questions from your index. 

Section 3

Publishing new indexes

Publishing new versions can be done by using the example above, a new index can be published by first copying an existing version. Once a new index has been created, click on the More button at the end of the row to find the option of publishing that index.

Section 4

Managing Indexes (public vs private)

Existing indexes all have a combination of status and domain, depending on the combination there are actions available from the more-menu to be applied to that index. 

First, let’s determine what public and private indexes are. A new public index and new versions of an index can only be set up by a System Administrator. You as a user (Admin user) can only create private indexes, but will not be able to create a public index from scratch. The reason is to avoid a cluttered index page and to ensure that other organisations are not invited to respond to the wrong index.

We will create some scenarios to effectively explain how public and private indexes can be managed.

Scenario 1

Draft & Private

A draft index can be edited and deleted since it has not been published. Thus it also has the option of being published. This is an index that has been copied from another index.

Scenario 2

Published & Private

Here you will have the option to copy to a new index, this index will be visible to your organisation only.